Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good Friday Myth: Busted!

keeping watch at the tomb

Dear Diary,

That reminds me.

Yesterday the sky did not get dark and cloudy around 3 pm, which everyone knows was the hour of our lord's death, on a very specific date and time somewhere, to the best of scholars' estimations, between 26 and 36 CE. And don't forget, that's also when the veil of the temple ripped in two. But it looks like all my catholic school teachers were just pulling the wool over my eyes to explain the inclement weather in terms of religious indoctrination. Sky gets dark and cloudy, my ass. (I wonder, is that comma before 'my ass' grammatically correct?) But anyway you look at it, that was a long time ago, Sister Mary Patrick Francis Brian. Maybe you should have busied yourself more with the teaching of proper usage of commas to 3rd graders than with macabre stories of crucifixion and the zombie-like raising of the dead of this Jesus character that we like to call 'resurrection.' Thank you.

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