Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We're Not In Oakland Anymore, Toto

getting ready to face the day

monday, march 29-tuesday, march 30

Reading up on stevia extract and swiss water process on all-knowing Wikipedia, one, to see if stevia is secretly a toxic substance, and two, trying to find a decaffeinated coffee that is not full of chemicals and is genuinely caffeine free.

Finished Nightwood. True misery, these people. Spoiler alert! The ending involves someone fainting and/or dying and somebody else acting like a dog then getting bitten by a dog, but it was unclear to me whether or not this person in the end succumbs to her dog bite wound or to her own insanity. A great read though. Highly recommended.

Still reading Otho the Great (Keats), in fact I fell asleep reading it. Situation of the princess Erminia, honor in question and all that, finds me reminiscing about Das Kaethchen von Heilbronn, a German play by Heinrich von Kleist I think I might like to read again once I'm done with Otho here. The current plot certainly involves a big secret that I am a bit in the dark over. Maybe I'm not supposed to find out until later, or maybe I am an imbecile. Lots of intrigue though, found letters that are incriminating, people not doing the right thing. Lies, lies, lies. These people would all be doing a lot better for themselves if they just followed my essential model for success in this sometimes challenging world: drink lots of water and remain calm. When you are drinking lots of water and remaining calm, you tend to get less involved with the catastrophe with which you are presented.

I have some fun thinking about the recent robocall from the Irvine Police Department regarding a stolen red huffy bicycle. Wow! Such service. If I ever find myself missing anything, I will know who to call. This is almost as good as the time when six police officers were harassing a homeless man for sitting on the grass. Seeing that made me sad inside.

What is also sad are the many sunbathers who slather a lotion of mere SPF 6 all over their already over-bronzed bodies (including some serious fake boobs) and then light one up for a refreshing pool-side smoke, then leave their butts for others to find on the cement beneath their feet. Me, being around water always makes me want to do healthy things. But I guess not everybody feels this way. All the same, I will be sticking with SPF 50 and the inhalation of air alone.

Did Tai Chi. Made cantaloupe agua fresca. Farmer's market: greens, trail mix, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, apples, avocadoes.

Oh, and FYI: I did not win the Walt Whitman award, but then did you really expect me to?

Signing off. I have really important things to do right now, for example, checking the mail.


  1. the dog bite wound is her insanity!

  2. Thanks for clearing that up! Maybe you and I can talk about 'Otho the Great' next.
